Vikingmud Wiki

Encapsuling colours to spice up your prompt.

Syntax: prompt [string/-c]


This command changes your prompt. You can set it to almost anything you like, and even have some stats in it like hit points and spell points. The stats are included with a # and an uppercase letter.

These are the current stats you can use:

-#C - Cash

-#S - Spell Points

-#D - Date

-#T - Time

-#H - Hit Points -

-#X - Experience Points-

-#L - New Line

-#XL - Experience Points to next level

-#M - Mud Name

-#Y - Year

-#N - Your name

To remove your prompt do 'prompt -c'

For Wizards

-#E - Environment(room)

-#P - Path

-#I - Invisible

-#U - BUSY

Reikland Add-ons[]

-#(ALTITLE) - Shows your current alignment

-#(BANK) - Your bank account

-#(DRUNK) - How drunk you are

-#(SOAKED) - How soaked you are

-#(STUFFED) - How stuffed you are

-#(ENCUMBERED) - Shows if you are encumbered

-#(HPMAX) - Maximum hitpoints

-#(SPMAX) - Maximumspellpoints

-#(HPBAR) - Statusbar on your current hp

-#(SPBAR) - Statusbar on your current sp

-#(SHAPEBAR) - Statusbar on your foe's shape

NB: For colours to take effect in the prompt, you must set the prompt to a colour with: 'colour prompt <col>'!


Changing colour on prompt.


prompt HP: #H SP: #S XP: #X > Will give you a nice informative prompt.


A simplistic prompt isn't necesserily a bad prompt.

prompt HP: #H SP: #S #Exp: #XP (Next Level: #XL) >#L
Will give you a prompt with a newline on the end, preventing other messages from appearing on the same line. It will also show you the amount of experience needed to reach the next level.


A more detailed example of a prompt.
